Monday, March 16, 2009

Pilsen opening

The special treat of the Friday night was a visit of the group of artists from Chiapas involved in "The Chiapas/Chicago Connection" at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago, who came up in force accompanying Gabriel Villa on his trip to the opening. Artists René Hugo Arceo with his family, Ricardo Santos Hernàndez and Diana Solis were also here answering myriad of questions by our inquisitive public. It was a night for fabulous conversations!

WPCA board member and director of The Crossman gallery at UW-Whitewater, Michael Flanagan and artist George McCormick.

Gabriel Villa with guests.

René Hugo Arceo (in red vest) in conversation.

Our new board member, Tamiko Dargan and Carmen Murguia with a painting La Sirena by Robert Valadez.

Artist Diana Solis (on the right) and the crowd. You can also spot WPCA's Gary Tuma on the left.

Gabriel Villa, Pilsen's Salvador Jimenez (on the left) and visitors from Chiapas.

Ricardo Santos Hernàndez and Milwaukee's own José Alfredo Chavez.


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